Our Mission

To share the love of God by providing free medical, dental and vision services to the great cities of the world.

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Email contact@ybpth.org

Volunteer Registration

Step 1

* - Required Fields

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Step 2 : Click here to complete the registration process

About Me

About Me

My Volunteer Preferences

About Me

My Volunteer Preferences

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Please use this space to provide any additional information we should know about you.

Music Ministry


We appreciate every volunteer!

Please note that the orientation on Sunday is a required orientation for a smooth opening on Sunday afternoon.

Please select all that apply from the options below.

As a Your Best Pathway to Health volunteer:
I agree to honor the service commitment I make, report on time as my department head requests, and to notify my department head as soon as possible if I am unable to attend.

I understand that every effort will be made to place me in my first choice of volunteer service, however that may not be possible.

I understand that, if I am applying with a professional license,  my license will be verified and further research will be conducted, if appropriate.

I understand that all patient information is considered private and cannot be shared (including, but not limited to: verbally, via text, phone, email and/or other electronic format, picture, Twitter or Facebook) or discussed except as needed for care of that patient. I understand that I will be asked to sign a HIPAA statement during the registration process and agree to abide by the terms therein.

I give YBPTH permission to use any photographs or videos reflecting my likeness and/or voice made during my service without obligation or compensation.

I hereby release Your Best Pathway to Health, a 501 (c ) (3) non-profit entity, and all of its respective officers, directors, employees agents, volunteers, contractors, heirs, successors and assigns from prosecution or presentation of any claim for bodily injury, damages, wrongful death or property loss or any other damage incurred in connection with my attendance and/or performance of health care services including ancillary services or related activities at the YBPTH events.

I certify that all the statements made herein are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Your Best Pathway to Health

Volunteer Waiver and Disclosure Form


I hereby attest that all information submitted on this application form and supporting documents (license/certificate) are currently in force and not restricted, suspended or revoked. I further attest that I will comply with Your Best Pathway to Health protocols, bylaws and manual. I agree to the mission of Your Best Pathway to Health and I am committed to patient care through Christ’s methods.

HIPAA has 3 Main Objectives:

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also referred to as Kennedy-Kassebaum Act. This statute called for the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to adopt standards for electronic data interchange (EDI) and codes sets, uniform health care identifiers, and standards for the protection of privacy and security of patient data.

HIPAA has 3 main objectives:

1. Insurance portability

2. Fraud enforcement (accountability)

3. Administrative simplification (reduction of healthcare costs)

Essentially, anyone who receives health care can apply their patient rights under HIPAA. Applying these patient rights will help control how an institution can use or share information called ProtectedHealthInformation or PHI.

PHI is any health information that:

• directly or indirectly identifies a patient

• pertains to the past, present and future condition of the patient

• is transmitted verbally, in writing, or electronically

Examples of PHI is:

• name of patient and relatives

• birth date

• full face photos or

• certificates/license numbers

• marital status

comparable images

• vehicle identifiers and serial numbers

• address

• electronic mail

• insurance/medical record numbers

• finger and voice prints

addresses, URLs

• telephone and fax numbers

• social security numbers

The Privacy Patient Rights:

Right to Access – patients have the right to access, inspect and obtain a copy of PHI contained in their medical or billing record.

Right to Amend – patients have the right to request an amendment or change to the PHI contained in their medical or billing record.

Right to Disclosures – patients have a right to request a list of when and to whom their confidential information was released (called an accounting of disclosures).

Right to Request Restrictions – patients have the right to:

A. Request restrictions on how we use or share their PHI with others for treatment payment and health care operations.

B. Request restrictions on how much information should be shared with others in the facility directory of patient locator.

C. Request a restriction on the information shared with family or friends involved in the patient’s care.

We are not required to agree to a restriction, so DO NOT agree to arestriction!

Right to Request Alternative Communication – patients have the right to request that we send communications of PHI through an alternative means or to alternative locations. The Privacy Rule requires that we accommodate requests that are reasonable.

Right to File a Complaint – if the patient feels that his or her privacy rights were violated, he or she has the right to file a complaint with the organization and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Right to Receive Notice – the patient has the right to receive a notice of the privacy practices of the organization. The notice must include how the organization uses and discloses the information, how to obtain records, and how to file a complaint.

This means that one should request only the (least amount) specific information needed to complete the task.

Minimum Necessary:

This means that one should request only the (least amount) specific information needed to complete the task.

Organized Health Care Arrangement (OHCA) is more than one entity that participates together in the sharing of PHI, uniform method of HIPAA compliance and monitoring processes, and uniform agreement of restrictions.

When PHI is requested, determine if it is being shared within the OHCA for:

• Treatment purposes

• Payment purposes

• Health Care Operations

If “Yes” to any of the above, then patient authorization is NOT needed.

If “No” to any of the above, then patient authorization IS required. You must forward the request for PHI to the Registration, Exit Management, or Medical Records Department.

* Health Care Operations, or Treatment/Payment/Operations (TPO),includes:

? quality assessment and improvementactivities

? population-based activities related to improvementactivities

? protocoldevelopment


? case management and carecoordination

? contactinghealthcareprovidersandpatientswithinformationabouttreatmentalternatives

? review of competence/qualifications of health careprofessionals

? practitioner and provider performanceevaluation

? conducting trainingprograms

? other activities relating to health benefitcontracts

? medical review, internal legal and auditingfunctions

? business planning anddevelopment

? administrativeactivities

? activities relating to the sale, transfer, merger or consolidation of thecovered entity

? fundraising for the benefit of the covered entity (conditionsapply)

Breaches in Privacy:

Both individuals and organizations can be held liable for breaches in privacy. Intentionally releasing information would be punishable by a fine of up to $50,000 and one year in jail. Someone trying to sell information could face a $250,000 fine and 10 years in prison. Civil penalties of up to $100 for each unintentional violation, and up to a $25,000 limit per identical violation could apply.


I understand that while I am participating as a registered volunteer at YbPTH event, it is mandatory that I maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all patients. This pertains to all present and future digital, written and verbal communications referring to any YbPTH patient. I also understand that unless I am obtaining information strictly for patient registration, I will not ask a patient any questions regarding medical insurance coverage, Medi-Cal or Medicare.  I further agree not to photograph or record patients unless authorized to do so while at the YbPTH event. I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to adhere to this policy of confidentiality for YbPTH.


I hereby release Your Best Pathway to Health, a 501 (c ) (3) non-profit entity, and all of its respective officers, directors, employees agents, volunteers, contractors, heirs, successors and assigns (hereinafter the “Released Parties”) from prosecution or presentation of any claim for bodily injury, damages, wrongful death or property loss or damage incurred in connection with my attendance and/or performance of health care services including ancillary services or related activities at the YbPTH events.

We highly encourage you to review our Privacy Policy when Registering, Signing up, or Purchasing Tickets to our Client's Events.